How Much Does It Cost to Start a Gym
This is how much it costs to start a gym....
You've just taken your first step towards gym ownership - Can I afford it?
You'll find your answer below.
However, before you download the startup cost spreadsheet, remember that often the bank will only make you put down 20% of the total. You don't need to have a pile of cash sitting in your bank account. I know I didn't.
With that said, here is the download for the startup costs for a 400 member HomeTown 24 Hour Gym just like Ageless:
And for comparison, here is the download for the startup costs for personal training-only studio:
Please remember, be sure to check your email and add to your safe folder so it doesn't go to spam. In a few days, we'll be answering your 2nd and 3rd questions via email with our actual Profit and Loss Statement from 2017:
How much money can a small gym like this make?
How much does it cost to operate a small gym like this monthly?